Category Archives: Change
We need CHANGE, not fine-tuning…!
…when my father grew old he devoted at lot of his time to handicraft and woodwork – I never once saw him use a sandpaper to change one of his works, only to fine-tune it… “Our Business-as-Usual is Sustainable; we … Continue reading
Being Passive or Neutral is not an option…
Emissions, dominantly caused by industrialism, have so far increased our planets average temperature with +0.8 °C. If we shut down CO2-emissions totally, right now, the average temperature will continue to rise to approximately +1.6 °C due to the systematic “delay” … Continue reading
You are defined by your actions, not by what you say…
Lately there have been a number of reports and studies clearly showing that most corporations are failing to take any considerable steps toward a Sustainable future. (Link to previous article) This is truly disheartening and extremely worrying. “What gets measured … Continue reading
Why wouldn’t we want to have a positive impact on the world…?
As a “possibilist” I am triggered by the idea of having a positive impact and moving things forward, so when I recently saw the TED Talk by IKEA CSO, Steve Howard – “Let’s go all-in on selling sustainability” (Link) – … Continue reading
One step changes everything…
Once upon a time when we took our first steps in life – we really risked everything, we didn’t even know what a step was, and although we might have seen grown-ups around us moving in a totally different manor … Continue reading
Fiat-Currency and Climate Change are competing to the cliff – The “winner” takes it all…
It is amazing how people always return to “single issue” thinking, whenever things become complex – we try to see/solve things “one at a time”, without any or little interconnection. Last couple of weeks there has been some debate on … Continue reading
NIMBY – the ”convenient” approach to Sustainability…
Not in my back yard (NIMBY) is an approach used by many – the further the distance the less interesting, or “intimidating” something is… and some things, people apparently don’t want to see in their backyard… When there is a … Continue reading
What if there is no Box…
Have you also heard the cliché one time to many…? I suppose it is some kind of human urge – to box things in or to put them in silos. Maybe it is some kind of unconsciously hidden “Taylorism” deep … Continue reading
Replacing one bad idea with another bad idea – Is that wise…?
First Coal, then Oil, then Gas, then Tar sands-Oil, then Fracking Gas – replacing one fossil fuel with another one, with another one, and another one – Is that going to fix it…? Re-using ideas again and again, isn’t that … Continue reading
And the Silence prevails…
Recently I have read articles arguing that we should not talk too much about the Climate and Climate-Change because people suffer from “climate-fatigue” or a bad “environment-conscience”… It’s almost like a scene from the English sitcom ”Fawlty Towers” – you … Continue reading