Author Archives: Sören
Increased Debt and decreased GDP – Is that some new “smart” economic logic…?
A system with fatigue…? Having looked at some of the OECD-statistics, trying to understand a little more about current economic development within the OECD-countries – I don’t get it… When I combine data from Governmental debt, Debt held by citizens … Continue reading
Fiat-Currency and Climate Change are competing to the cliff – The “winner” takes it all…
It is amazing how people always return to “single issue” thinking, whenever things become complex – we try to see/solve things “one at a time”, without any or little interconnection. Last couple of weeks there has been some debate on … Continue reading
While arguing about diagnose and treatment – the “patient” died…
Climate Diagnose… Last week the IPCC published its latest report on our climate. The scientist community is now even more certain that the planet is warming and that CO2-emission from human activity is the main cause. And although these facts … Continue reading
Don’t tell me about Sustainability – Show me!
Storytelling is one thing – telling fairy-tales is another… Humanity is currently facing the, without doubt, toughest challenge ever, stakes are extremely high. Telling fairy-tales and cheating on our next generations at such a serious moment is not what you … Continue reading
NIMBY – the ”convenient” approach to Sustainability…
Not in my back yard (NIMBY) is an approach used by many – the further the distance the less interesting, or “intimidating” something is… and some things, people apparently don’t want to see in their backyard… When there is a … Continue reading
Why is Flying out of the Sustainability discussion…
We live in a Global society where people and products continuously criss-cross the planet, but we seem to constantly exclude, or at least forget to mention, one of the means for this transportation in the sustainability discussion. > 1,700 Airlines … Continue reading
The planetary ‘piggybank’ is broken… So what?
On August 20th, “World Overshoot Day” passed by, relatively unnoticed – some editorials here and there, some “honorable mentions” on the TV-news – but mostly regarded and treated as a curiosity… and now it is yesterday’s news, quickly forgotten… Dear … Continue reading
Transparency reveals Honesty – Any problem with that …?
Isn’t Transparency very closely related to Honesty – or is it that Transparency goes a little bit further allowing others to actually see that you are Honest… Is the call for Transparency maybe a result of too much dishonesty… Regardless … Continue reading
What if there is no Box…
Have you also heard the cliché one time to many…? I suppose it is some kind of human urge – to box things in or to put them in silos. Maybe it is some kind of unconsciously hidden “Taylorism” deep … Continue reading
An economy without Debt and Banks – is that reality or fiction…
Just the other day I watched a Swedish documentary* about the European financial crisis and the recent real-estate bubble in Spain. In the documentary, largely based on scientific research by the Dutch economist Dirk Bezemer and Australian economist Steve Keen, … Continue reading