Category Archives: CSR
A “Lagom” lifestyle – We must urgently reduce our Footprint…
Abundance, affluence, luxury – words closely interconnected with the lifestyle currently promoted as desirable by the western civilization, or rather, by medium to high income people according to Gapminder and Anna Rosling Rönnlunds latest tool “Dollar Street“… When WWF published … Continue reading
Sustainable Development Goals – the most important agenda ever!
“We are in deep shit!” – these words from a student after I had presented an outspoken key-note about Sustainability and Climate Change made me wonder why we constantly are reminded not to be to open or to specific … Continue reading
Inequality didn’t just happen… It was Created!
…replacing “Old ways” with similarly flawed “New ways” isn’t going to help, is it…? Two recent sets of data: Since the Great Recession in 2008, Global Debt has increased by $57 trillion, outpacing world GDP growth, and is with $199 Trillion … Continue reading
Inspiration has No Limits…!
Whenever cheaters like VW, HSBC, Monsanto, Exxon or Lance Armstrong are disclosed, voices are raised to institute more and firmer laws and regulations, to increase supervision and compliance testing etc – but is this really the right or the best … Continue reading
A new beginning…
COP21 in Paris is over, 196 countries reached on December 12th an historic international agreement outlining the ambition and the way forward towards a new Sustainable future… The “Paris Agreement”. On September 25th the UN General Assembly adopted resolution A/Res/70/1… … Continue reading
A Sustainable Nudge…
Have you ever heard the expression… “…a push in the right direction” Maybe it is not more difficult than that… to move in a Sustainable direction. It’s a little bit like rolling a large boulder, the toughest part is to … Continue reading
Just begin…
Do you really need a detailed plan for everything you do? …then becoming Sustainable is probably the biggest challenge you will ever encounter. Of course there is a need to make plans, but in today’s increasingly fast-changing global society, the need for … Continue reading
Break the Unsustainable pattern…
Have you ever really thought about why you do the things you do in life? Most people would argue that they do things based on their own decisions and that they are in charge. …is that true? I am not … Continue reading
Human to Human – the sustainable future…!
“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood” UN, Declaration of Human Rights, Article 1 The Universal … Continue reading
Let’s exploit children and youth…
…Do children and youth have a right to choice? A couple of weeks back when we went out for a family-dinner at a very nice restaurant, I couldn’t help myself from doing a little bit of “social studies”… What … Continue reading