Author Archives: Sören
Force-Majeure – the new Normal?
We are experiencing climate-induced changes all around the world. Many people are awakened to this brutal reality in a very harsh way. And it comes in many different shapes. Drought destroys farmer’s possibility to grow any crops or raise cattle. … Continue reading
How is it going to be – are we getting on with the change or what…
Looking back at 2012… During 2012 we broke more heat records around the world than ever. I read somewhere that 11 of the 12 hottest years ever recorded has happened during this century – and we are just starting 2013… … Continue reading
History is not repeating itself…
We are living in transitional times – thank God for that… Otherwise we probably would be running around with phones made of bakelite with rotary dials in our pockets – can you imagine the size of your pockets… We would … Continue reading
In 1997 the first COP (Conference of the Parties) was held in Rome. Yesterday COP18 in Doha closed. Eighteen meetings in 15 years and we are still nowhere near a solution or even on a pathway to solve the sustainability … Continue reading
Climate-Change and the skeptics!
Although there are less and less skeptics, they still exist and what is even stranger they somehow manage to get more media-space then the research-based realists. I don’t know, but could there be some “hidden” reason about who owns the … Continue reading – Support a fantastic initiative!
The was founded in 2008 by U.S. author Bill McKibben, who wrote one of the first books on global warming for the general public, and a team of university friends. “350 means safety from the climate crisis. To preserve … Continue reading
The Human Quest – On the Book Fair…
Today when I visited the “Göteborg Book Fair”, wandering around among thousands of visitors and exhibitors I found it! Somewhere I had read that there was a new Swedish book about sustainability on the market, and there it was. Standing … Continue reading
My own New site!
Having published posts on various other sites, I have now started up my own page in cyber-space. Thanks to my design- and web-talented sons Marcus and Fredrik, I am now able to share my reflections on life and society in … Continue reading